Embrace Your Season In Life.


We all have unique ways of how God is dealing with us. What phase are you in life right now? What season? Is it a season of spiritual awakening, personal development, child bearing, career transition/growth, building relationships/Networks,setting up new businesses, personal/business rebranding, or a family reunion? Whichever season it maybe, kindly allow yourself to pass through it and let it pass through you. Embrace it/them. Learn and relearn. Grow and be wise. Enjoy the moment it affords. Appreciate the experiences it brings along. Show gratitude to God for the season. Become a better and a truer version of yourself.

Change can only happen if you are willing to embrace change when it comes knocking.


*Confession of Faith *


Dear Lord, I know you love me so much and care about me. You only want the best for me which is why you would stop at nothing to bring the changes that would lead me to the fulfilment of my purpose and your plan for my life. I therefore appreciate each phase I find myself in life. I embrace the lessons, enjoy the season, and joyfully become a better person than I used to be.

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