How Do I Move On In Life?



Yes! We have been badly bitten.

Yes! We have been deeply hurt.

Yes! We have been deeply pained.

Yes! We have been outrightly misunderstood.

Yes! We have been betrayed severally.

Yes! Life had been unfair.

Yes! There seems to be no one out there to trust.

Yes! There seems to be no one out there who really loves back in the measure we had given out.

Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!

Can you step back a bit?

Can you take a chill pill?

Can you at least put yourself in other people’s shoes?

Most people are acting out some certain behavior according to the experiences life had thrown to them. Their behavior is the outcome of the lessons they had learnt.

Their outburst goes like this: ” Life has dealt me a hard blow; taught me to be this…. to be that so I’m going to treat others the same way I have been treated or been dealt with.” This is the vibe they give out unconsciously. But this ought not to be so. When we take this stance, we are been Reactive instead of been responsive; seeing things from a different perspective and understanding that we are no perfect anyway.

This may be the reason why we should not be too hasty to rule people out; to condemn, or to assume the judgement horse.

We may need to take the road less travelled(Robert Frost).



Be loving inspite.

Be considerate inspite.

Be tolerant inspite.

Be patient inspite.

Be understanding inspite.

Be humble inspite.

Let’s have a rethink. Let’s pause before we act.

Will you at least take a chill pill today?.t take a chill pill today?. 

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