How Can I begin To Embrace My True Identity In Life?

With the era of social media and all that goes with it, it is possible and easy to get trapped in the cycle of misplaced or lost identity. I totally agree that some of us misplaced our true identity because of our childhood trauma. Even till maturity, the confusion still lies within. Our relationship is worse-off because of it. We make poor or irrational choices/decisions. We are so far from reality that our lives is heading the way it ought not to. To cap it up, we find ourselves locked up in the ‘social media prison’ “I wanna be.” Everything is all mixed up. But we can make a new choice, a new decision. The power lies within. And the heaven is always ready to support us in the journey of self-realization.


How can I begin to embrace my true identity? You can. Simply accept yourself and embrace you. It does not matter how the past look like, or how the present is playing out, you have the power through God to break free from what is not serving purpose in your life and to accept the positive changes this decision will bring into your life

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