Who Are You Looking Up To?


Sometimes, it’s good to have expectations about ourselves and in others and sometimes, it may not be good.

Ask me why?

When we lower our expectations about life(ourselves and in others), but choose to have an open mind; allowing life’s possibilities to flow in freely, we tend to have a more tranquil and happy life.

Have you noticed that too much expectations in oneself or in others often leads to heartbreak or disappointment even mental health issues? Of course, this is the outcome because raising expectations about life results in overthinking, worry/anxiety, frustration, and bitterness in the long run especially if these expectations aren’t met as we had anticipated.

When these negative emotions begin to set in, they could lead to other health issues which were uncalled for.

Raising too much expectations robs us of our true happiness, joy, and our sanity. We get lost into the future while we ignore the present moment and the wonderful opportunities it is bringing our way.

Sometimes, what we raise our hope on may not necessarily be what God wants for us. We want this, but God wants that. At the end of the day, God’s intention will be done. He knows what’s best and what time is good.

BOTTOM LINE: It’s either we lower our expectations or have no expectations at all and rather choose to have an open mind, have a positive mindset and a positive outlook towards life while we live in the moment because it is all we have.

All will be well if we believe in God and allow destiny to play out by itself rather than choosing to be in control of events.

Let go and Let God.

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