One… Two…Three…Four…Five… ……
Each step, each move you make is known by a Higher being-God. And it has always been so since you were birthed. Somehow, the steps may have changed awfully because of some traumatic events in your life. You suddenly realised that you are now following someone else’s footstep and you are gradually loosing your true identity. This is the crisis we are all facing in life. You are no longer hearing your inner voice but that of another person. You say,”Everything is so confusing and it’s tough getting back to order. If I cannot get back to the original plan of God, at least, I can’t remain stuck. I would rather keep going forward.” But have you asked yourself if truly you are going forward in the right direction. Things are often not how they seem to be. Think about it.
However, there is a chance to get back to order. Find your direction back to the source of whom all things consist. Let your goals, ambitions, passions be directed by God. Allow Him to lead while you follow.