Can You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone?


From breaking through.

From living the life you had always dreamt of.

From being with those you truly want to have around.

From laying hold of the miracles.

First of, where are you presently? Do you believe this is where you are truly meant to be?

Do you have the gut feeling that you are more than where life has placed you?

Do you feel stuck and sick of everything?

Frustrated! Frustrated!! Frustrated!!!

Remember the man who had a withered hand. (Mark 3:1-3). He was in this condition for years not because he didn’t want a healing but because he had been too comfortable with his situation. Comfortable with the circle of friends. Comfortable with his immediate environment. Comfortable with what life was throwing at him.

Comfortable indeed!

He didn’t received his miracle till he was told by Jesus to step forward.


Come out of your comfort zone; step away from the mindset that has paralysed your thinking and held you bound.

Break free from the faulty programming and conditioning of your immediate environment.

Leave behind what had been hindering you;

Leave behind the naysayers, the crowd which had been distracting you from focusing on the possibilities within.

Move out! Move away!

Come into the light.

Step into destiny.

Reach out for your healing.

Bade the past a goodbye

Forget the pain of yesterday and embrace the power of today.

Step out and reach the hand of God. The change you had been waiting for is here right now. You need not look far.

You only need to deconstruct the negativity.

A midshift is all you need.

Change only happen when you are ready to change.

All things are possible to anyone who believes.

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