It is possible to live in this side of eternity and experience a life that is gratifying and fulfilling at the same time. Though, life challenges may show up as they often do. Be that as it may, when we make up our mind to align our actions with what is truly eternal, and purpose-driven, our lives will be thankful for it in the long run.
Stuffs happen, while majority may not be understood, but we can trust God to help us overcome them.
The truth is, we are created to enjoy sound health and sound mind and if peradventure, we may be facing one challenge or the other which is already hindering the flow of life’s bounties into our lives, here are few important checklist to address inorder to bounce back to life and begin enjoying it again. Before I begin, I like to let you know that we are created as complete human being and one aspect depend on the other. We cannot leave anyone behind else it suffers.
I like to address these four(4) key components that puts man as a complete being. The Spiritual aspect, The Mental aspect, The emotional aspect, and The relational/social aspect.
1. Our Spiritual well-being: Our spirituality is as important as the blood circulating in our body. In every area of our lives, we need God. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us. We need the angels to run errands for us. We need to be constantly in touch with our spiritual senses inorder to always align with what God has planned for us. We also need to be spiritually awakened inorder to know our true birthright; our identity; our true calling or purpose. To understand why some things happen and for what reason. We are not complete till we embrace our spirituality whilst also developing it in the place of prayer, meditation, reading the bible, reading spiritual journals and in worship both personal and congregational. Some of the challenges we face in life may only require us to be more in tune with our spirituality and that’s all. No hassles.
2. Our Mental Health: Wow! This is one aspect that cannot be ignored. Sometimes, what we term as physical sickness may not be it rather it is mental sickness. Mental sickness can however, result to physical sickness if not addressed quickly or properly. For instance, you may see a person looking pale and you ask them, “What’s wrong, are you okay?” And they respond, “Why not, I’m perfectly fine.” But truly, they feel fine but mentally, they may not. This is because mental illness strikes within. Your brain is the worst hit. You may be unaware that you are out of touch with reality. Your diet/ nutrition suffers, relationships wane,and you are just living life just for living. If you are suffering from mental illness, unmet expectations may be a cause, overthinking another, loss of a dear one, a cause, or the sudden breakup of a cherished relationship another. Other factors can contribute.
Sometimes, we may get ourselves imprisoned by our thoughts. We confess words like this, “I cannot let go of him/her.” “I will continue to hang on tight till my desire on the job or relationship become a reality. “My life cannot go on till we are together.” “I must win that game else!” These words, though casual, are powerful and can hinder the flow of blessings into our lives. They throw us in bondage. They sap our energy, hinder our thought process from functioning well and make us mentally sick which can turn to a big health issue in the long run. Yes! God does not want us to be sick but it happens gradually with little actions of ours that are unhealthy. You can choose today to break free from that negative pattern. That heaviness on your chest is a burden. Set your soul free and live a whole life. Begin to confess the words that will edify you. Rephrase your words. Quit raising too much expectations on yourself, day -dream less, control wishful thinking, live in the present moment, watch your thoughts. What will be will be. No hassles please.
3. Our emotional wellbeing: What is the fuss about our emotions? Well, It is a big deal if you must know. Some of us are wired in such a way that our emotions often get the best of us almost every time and the result may turn out awful at the end of the day. We sit back and recount all that has transpired between us and the other party few hours or few days ago, and we just wished we can rebuild the wall that had been broken with how we allowed our emotions ruled our every actions now and then. Some of us have had treasured relationships torn apart as a result of our emotional instability. Also,we may struggle with finding balance in life if we struggle with emotional instability. It is an important aspect of our lives we must strive to build. I mean, when we can truly focus our energy on one vital thing and aim at result rather than to be here and there with nothing to show for it but to be frustrated and angry, is truly not worth it at all. If you are struggling with getting things done at the right time,you may be struggling with emotional issue. It is time to ask God for spirit-controlled temperament so that life can become easy to live in. It’s that simple!
4. Our relational/social life: If other aspects listed above are perfectly fine, I guarantee you that your relational life will be very beneficial. Why do I say so? For you to truly have great relationships or social life, you may need to cross check with how spiritually you are grounded;and how stable you are both mentally and emotionally. If you satisfy the above criteria, you will be able to know how to handle or manage your relationships. Even if challenges show up, you already are fully matured to tackle them head on without fear. Perfect love cast out fear and Christ is the perfect love. Because you are in right standing with God, you make decisions out of courage and knowledge of who you are.
Inorderwords, if you truly desire to live a life well lived and in sync with purpose, you may want to embrace these four(4) cardinals. If you are whole inside out, other aspects that comes into your life will benefit from it. You are the most important factor here. Your life truly count and how well you live it matters to eternity.
In God alone, we are complete.e are complete.