Good day friends,Consider these three kings. David, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, in the book of The Chronicles and in The book of The Kings. They all had battles to fight, and all looked to God for direction when they had to fight against their enemies.
David had to go out and fight all his battles, and never lost any. Jehoshaphat had to go out to battle, but never fought it because the Lord caused the enemies to fight and destroy themselves. Hezekiah did not even have to go out to battle, as God took care of his enemy within his own family.
There are some battles we have to fight, some we just have to position ourselves, and some we would not even have to lift a finger.
We now ask for the spirit of discernment to know what battles to fight, and which to let go and let God. We hearken our ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Speak to us oh Lord, and lead us to make the right decisions with each challenge faced in every area of our life in Jesus name.
Bottomline: Let us learn to develop the attitude of seeking God’s face each time we are confronted with challenges or are confused about an issue. He has the answer to every need in His word.