Is There Anyone Controlling My Life?

With all of the unexplainable situations happening all around the world, it becomes imperative to begin to reassess oneself and to know where one truly stands. You cannot afford to give control to any other thing than to God. 

Have you paused to ask, ” Who indeed is in control here? Is it I, some other being, or is it God?” Whoever you give power or control to leads the journey.  If you think you are in control, it may be wise to relinquish it. You may be in control of your emotions, the kind of relationships you like to keep, the number of children you like to have, number of businesses to establish and so on and so forth. Yes! I agree that God has given us dominion over every creation, to have control over them but He did not say you should be in control of your life, He wants you to allow Him be the pilot while you relax and trust your life is safe. Afterall, you do not own yourself. Take a moment to surrender all of your entirety to Him today and watch how peaceful your life can become even amidst disturbing situations.

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