You love God
You love yourself
You love your neighbours (just about anyone God brings your path)
If you love God, be wise, draw more closer to Him. Know Him better. Build intimacy stronger than ever. Listen to His instructions. Understand His ways. Hold on to His promises.
If you love yourself, tell yourself so.
Take good care of you in and out. Protect and preserve the good relationships. Stick to your godamn values. Work on your self-esteem and self-worth. Mind your thoughts always. Forgive easily. Be less critical and judgemental. Envy not (envy less) rather see purpose behind people’s actions. Be your own greatest cheerleader. Treat yourself well. Be at peace at all times. Be contented in life. Stay humble.
If you love your neighbours, show them you do. Make peace at all times.
Forgive easily. Understand and accept them for who they are. Pray for them (when your spirit leads you to) even if seems a weird thing. Respect people. Reach out when they are in need. Allow others be. Honor and respect those older. Give people a chance. Respect boundaries.
God first, you next and your neighbour right after.
You need God and your neighbour which is why you are in the middle. You are incomplete without God and you need people in your life for destiny and purpose sake. You can’t do it all alone.
Seek God’s face to send the right people you need for your life’s assignment.
Life can be so fulfilling when God is always first and the right people next in the boat with you.
*Confession of Faith*
Dear Lord, thank you for letting me know that I cannot do it all alone in life; that I am in this world to cultivate a relationship with you as my creator, to understand that I must learn to fall in love with myself over and over again; to ensure I build peaceful relationship with my neighbours so help me God.