Have you ever been through a whole lot in life and then you come to the conclusion that, “No one has ever showed they ares or truly loved me anyway.” You keep trading blames in and out and you wished you could turn back the hands of time and straighten things up. The pain is heavy on your chest you could almost feel it when you pay close attention it. But do you know that, if you allow this pain to linger on in your life, you will be depressed, you will simply find no happiness in everything; you loose interest in seemingly happy moments, and you will continue to bleed on others; on those who have no involvement in your pain. And the outcome is often awful. You may be out of touch with the bounties life is bringing your way; loosing cherished relationships, missing life-time opportunities, and tending towards becoming a shadow of oneself. This is not meant to be. You can still love again. You can still rebuild broken relationships you had with people if it is the Will of God.
If you do not mind, whatever happened yesterday, even if they were the faults of your parents or any other person can be forgiven and let go off at least for the sake of the children you are raising or you would raise in the near future. Life happens and it can truly hurt no doubt. Whoever may have screwed you up in the past were only actors and thank God they have played their role and you are still here and hopeful about the future. Even if you feel their actions may have cause you alot of misfortune in your present day life, kindly, let purpose have its way and not control events.
You might want to know, if you do not sort out any pending issues of the past, you will unconsciously transfer it to your children and it becomes a cycle. Kindly forgive your father for any wrong; forgive your mother if she ever hurt you. Forgive your siblings, forgive your aunts and your uncles. See them with the eyes of compassion and let go so you might have peace and also allow your children to experience peace in their lives.
There is nothing graver that anyone can do to you that cannot be forgiven, it is only a matter of choice.
Are you ready to make that choice today? God is banking on you to act out of obedience and begin on a clean slate. At least if the ugly past cannot be erased, it can be seen from a “Destiny perspective.” God has kept you till this moment because He wants you to build the courage to want to rewrite your story with your own hands. With His Grace, you can